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I've released an Alpha-Version of my project "Java-RPG-Maker-MV-Decrypter", which works with whole directories and save/renames files by itself...
It has a GUI, try it out! If you just want to decrypt single files, I recommend this version here. (Since you don't need to download it). For whole directories, you should try the Java version of the decrypter! =)

Petschkos RPG-Maker MV & MZ-File Decrypter

Welcome to the RPG-Maker MV & MZ-File Decrypter. You can easily decrypt files from any RPG-MV/RPG-MZ Project, which are encrypted with the built-in encryption. You can also encrypt them back (Mainly used for translation purposes).

Make sure that you don't use this tool to steal assets. If you want to take a look at the images (which is okay for private use by most laws), feel free to do so, but don't steal them please.

PNG-Files (Images - ".rpgmvp & .png_-Files") don't need the decryption code, except you want to re-encrypt them. Please go here for restoring images without a key.

In this area you can De- and (Re-)Encrypt Files from RPG-Maker MV & MZ Games.

You can get the decrypt code from the file:

Click "Detect" after you selected the System(.json) file. If you know the key, you can also just enter it in the text box.

Select Files & Info

1. Decrypt Code
2. Select File(s)
Verify Fake Header?

This checks if the file header is correct (start of the file).

The header is only important for encryption (decryption can ignore it).

In very rare cases some games use different header settings. You can find the correct header settings in:
"Game Directory"/www/js/rpg_core.js
Search for "function Decrypter()"; there, you can find all values.


3. Download File(s)
There is a size limitation depending on your memory and your browser... To handle MANY files (500+mb), you should use the Java-Decrypter!
Removes all files from the list below

In this area, you can restore PNG files (images - ".rpgmvp & .png_-Files") from RPG Maker games without the decryption key.

Select RPGMVP / PNG_ Files

1. Select File(s)


2. Download File(s)
There is a size limitation depending on your memory and your browser... To handle MANY files (500+mb), you should use the Java-Decrypter!
Removes all files from the list below

Browser Support

First: Please note, that this script is only tested and developed on Firefox. You can help me to make it run on all browsers, by reporting bugs!

How to use?

  1. Check if the encrypted files have the file extension ".rpgmvp", ".rpgmvm", ".rpgmvo", ".png_", ".ogg_" or ".m4a_" - If they have these extension(s), then you can use this script
    If you want to ENCRYPT files, they usually have a file extension like ".png" or something similar to that =)
  2. Get the en-/decrypt code.
    New: PNG files (images - ".rpgmvp & .png_-Files") don't need the decryption code, except you want to re-encrypt them. Please go here for restoring images without a key.
    • Upload the System(.json) file from the game and detect the code automatically. (Click on "Detect", after selecting the System(.json))
    • If the detection doesn't work, further instructions will pop up.
  3. Select the file(s) for de-/encryption - You can select multiple files!
  4. Hit the decrypt or encrypt button
  5. You can preview your decrypted files, if you click on "View", next to the filename. (Of course you can't preview encrypted files)
  6. You can save them by clicking on "Save". (The script will keep the file name and change the extension for you!) =)
    • You can also save all the files in the file list as a ZIP by clicking "Save all as ZIP File"!


Code Credits

Image Credits